Tuesday, September 28, 2010


when i was little i had an imaginary unicorn.

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"i think she's really pretty, don't you think so?"

"not really. she has a weird face."

"seriously??? she is beautiful."

.not really."


"...it's funny 'cause you know that's exactly what i'm doing."

Monday, September 27, 2010

"maybe I consistently hesitated to risk letting the thing we had together deteriorate into a romance"

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"She wasn’t doing a thing that I could see, except standing there leaning on the balcony railing, holding the universe together."

~a girl i knew, jd salinger

Saturday, September 25, 2010

hope i can go to some.

artists i wish were touring near me right now (in no particular order):
1) modest mouse
2) local natives
3) mum
4) memory tapes
5) the national
6) die antwoord
7) animal collective
8) i know there's more but i can't remember what else i looked for

bands that ARE playing near me soon:
1) BUILT TO SPILL!! yay.
2) and so i watched you from afar
3) and apparently tiesto around new years?? dear god, YES, i hope so.
although his concerts would scare me, i think.
i imagine people are quite crazy.
and, uh, drugged out.


third planet is sure they're being watched by an eye in the sky that can't be touched

when you get to the promised land
you're gonna shake that eye's hand


The lane next over is always faster
And you wait so long until you're so bothered
But right after you complete your merge
The lane you started in gets going
And while you wait for your luck to change
All you can think of is where you started

~world news by the local natives

Friday, September 24, 2010

remember your vitamins

i won't follow you into the rabbit hole

you can sit and feel sorry for yourself
or you can realize there is always an option.
it may not be the best option
the ideal option
the one you wanted
but it is still an option.
and an option is still an opportunity.

and i guess you just have to be thankful
for any opportunity you are given.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

when i see stars i feel in your hands

and if i should die before i wake
will you keep an eye on baby birch?
cause i'd hate to see her make the same mistakes.

Monday, September 20, 2010

my life

keeps going from bad
to worse
to worse
to worse

it's actually kind of comical at this point.


'are you kidding? all kinds of fucked up shit went through my head. thank god i had you [...]
every time i started to spin out of control i had you to grab on to [...] it's tough, though. i've done almost anything to get out from under the weight of it all.'

'how'd you finally do it?'

'i just - saw through it - you know? you decide who you are, who you want to be, and you hold on to that... ride it out.'




the worst is over


maybe passion does equal
is that the price that is paid?

this is it
this is me
this is the monster.

are we all monsters in disguise?

that possibility is
the greatest comfort
the greatest fear.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

mirror mirror

"I'm in love with you, little sister
We ride home in the night
While under our feet, the rain paints the street with the stars
Passing cars with light trails behind them
We could follow them on
Giving this town is wearing me down
Lets take off
No one would know that we've gone "

~bicycle by memory tapes

all i want are four walls and adobe slabs for my girls

corn forks

"i'm like - all these different things, all these different people - fucked into one person"

some things (or emotions) can make you into
a worse person
but you don't care.
because in that world,
with these - things -
you are still happy.

maybe it's not that you don't care.
you just feel less responsible
less guilty.

but you are still guilty.

and guilt is a scary thing to lose.

would be a scary thing to lose.

Sunday, September 12, 2010



i stared into the face of paradise.
it was beautiful.
the sensation wrapped meticulously
around my sensitive skin.
i floated there
in the paradoxically empty promised land.
a flame was in my heart
and i think
i may
have felt peace.

it was terrifying.
i was trapped in
i am trapped here.
ironic - the one place in the underworld
where you are 'privileged'
with remembrance.


i walked the endless road
out of eternity
choosing finite sleep instead.

maybe we can never be ready
for the face of the golden sun.
or maybe
we have to earn our peace.



Thursday, September 9, 2010


people are mean
but i think it's just because
other people


Sunday, September 5, 2010

volume iii

"bleep: a word made famous in the halls of nu delta used to describe disinterest or a lack of sympathy. Primarily initiated by the class of 2009 but quickly adopted by others classes and later friends of the house. The origin of the word are disputed, however, claims of founding have been made by Carlos I, Aaron Rosado (also acomplished lightening dodger), and Ryan Slaughter. Other variations of the word include bleeeep. bleeeeeeeeeep, and the the ever popular bleepbleepbleep"

~mustafa aka white pants

Friday, September 3, 2010