Tuesday, August 31, 2010


one of my favorites ever

i remember last summer
a choreographer of mine asked me if i had seen this,
because i reminded her of it, but i hadn't seen the video yet.
then i watched it
and realized that was quite possibly the biggest compliment i could ever receive.

that said, i could never do this. i'm known to be a slow mover. and this is just on a completely different level from anything else i have ever seen or danced.

there are no words.


Monday, August 30, 2010


five things keeping me going right now:
1. my brother
2. some of the best friend's a fuck up could ask for
3. excellent music
4. my rave beads (they remind me of lovely times with lovely people)
5. knowing i could contract a terminal disease at any moment and end my sad existence. okay okay, not really. REALLY THOUGH, hot chicks. observe:

Saturday, August 28, 2010


keep it going mahler, you son of a bitch.

"there's nothing to mourn about death any more than there is to mourn about the growing of a flower. what is terrible is not death but the lives people live or don't live up until their death. they don't honor their own lives, they piss on their lives. they shit them away. dumb fuckers. they concentrate too much on fucking, movies, money, family, fucking. their minds are full of cotton. they swallow God without thinking, they swallow country without thinking. soon they forget how to think, they let others think for them. their brains are stuffed with cotton. they look ugly, they talk ugly, they walk ugly. play them the great music of the centuries and they can't hear it. most people's deaths are a sham. there's nothing left to die."

~charles bukowski, the captain is out to lunch and the sailors have taken over the ship




Friday, August 27, 2010

pretty much

"when life gives you lemons....play trance music."
~gianna renella




i remember the moment
when you first put a smile on my face
and a thought in my head.

look where it ended up.

though to say we got much hope, if i am lost it's only for a little while.

"when thou ascendest to thy Heaven I descend to my Hell—even then thou callest to me across the unbridgeable gulf, “my companion, my comrade,” and I call back to thee, “my comrade, my companion”—for I would not have thee see my Hell. the flame would burn thy eyesight and the smoke would crowd thy nostrils. and I love my Hell too well to have thee visit it. i would be in Hell alone."
~khalil gibran

now i think it's alright to feel inhuman

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



and i kissed a girl with a broken jaw that her father gave to her.
she had eyes bright enough to burn me. they reminded me of yours.
and in a story told she was a little girl in a red-rouge, sun-bruised field
and there were rows of ripe tomatoes where a secret was concealed


well the clock's heart it hangs inside its open chest
with its hands stretched towards the calendar hanging itself
but i will not weep for those dying days.
for all the ones who've left there's few that stayed.
and they found me here and pulled me from the grass where i was laid.

~the calendar hung itself, bright eyes



Tuesday, August 24, 2010

because my last few posts have been depressing as shit


and....wait for the chorus.

a far off memory that's like a scattered dream

i think i do it for you.

let us meld into it
fade into it
we may not be happy
i think we would finally be
at peace.
"As we pass through childhood, each of us, a storehouse of alternative ways of becoming a person, imagines many different courses of action and of life he may later take. However, we cannot be everything in the world. We must choose a path, and reject other paths. This rejection, indispensable to our self-development, is also a mutilation. In choosing, as we must, we cast aside many aspects of our humanity. If, however, we cast them aside completely, we become less than fully human. We must continue somehow to feel the movements of the limbs we cut off. To learn how to feel them is the first major work of the imagination."

Monday, August 23, 2010

queen in my pictures ~ animal collective

She used to be a fragile baby in a Golden place
But now it seems her acid visions have come and changed.

(i told you, when we reached the green bottom we were okay.)


i kissed you at the apex of the maelstrom and asked
if you would accompany me in a quick fall,
but you made me realize that my ticket wasn't good for two.
i rode alone.
you said, "the cinders are falling like snow."
there is poetry in despair, and we sang with unrivaled beauty,
bitter elegies of savagery and eloquence.
of blue and grey.
strange, we ran down desperate streets and carved our names in the flesh of the city.
the sun was stagnated somewhere beyond the rim of the horizon
and the darkness is a mystery of curves and lines.
still, we lay under the emptiness and drifted slowly outward,
and somewhere in the wilderness we found salvation scratched
into the earth like a message.

~untitled, afi
i woke up in the velvet darkness
wrapped in something
equally as soft as the night.
but i slipped away.

i'd rather have the hardened floor.

a moment

it was a beautiful dream

Sunday, August 22, 2010



if the promised land exists, this is it.


you are it.

i keep making drunk grilled cheese at 3am at parties

any of you who know me
know that when i like something
i am
consumed by it for an indefinite amount of time
(main past/current obsessions include:
1. boots
2. partying
3. battlestar galactica
4. music)
right now i am obsessed with die antwoord which is why they keep appearing on my blog.

but i love this remix

also my minion has a blog now (inspired by mine! <3) http://minamae.tumblr.com/

Saturday, August 21, 2010

bro time

"you're right
i hate when ppl say im immature
cuz its like them
i can be mature, and we've obviously thought about some deep shit
basically about as deep as human thought can go
*granted we're still learningbut, 'matureness'
is more complicated than being boring and essentially dead
like 'youth'
is incorrectly applied"
~ryan slaughter

Friday, August 20, 2010


i did not realize how much i missed my broken bose headphones until i put them on to listen to this song.


music sounds INFINITELY better.

i feel like i wasted summer using my shitty ipod earbuds.

i only stopped using my beloved headphones (aka orpheus) because i broke part of them, but the actual phone part still plays beautifully.


i can swim in this music for eternity.

when i listen to music i close my eyes and see stars.

happiness is not true happiness.

and now comes again that strange sort of calm
that only results out of
...not sadness (but something akin to it? maybe acceptance)
and knowing
you'll be okay.
it's a torturous feeling
but maybe also one of the best.
perhaps the closest thing to contentedness.
and contentedness is true happiness.



it flooded hard,
music the usual culprit.
but i did not let the flood run away.
i tilted my head as i usually do and
stared hard for a second at
the endless girl in front of me;
here was the moment of choice.
i turned my back on her,
and sank into my pathetic single solace
in a reminiscent sideways prayer position
clutching whatever i was given
and head involuntarily bowed.
only for a second did i allow my heart
the luxury
of sorrow
knowing that an indefinite amount of unbearable yearning
were all that waited for me
on the other side.
no, i did not let the flood run away.
instead i pushed myself up
floated away
and wrote this.

this never happens in real life


which is why he's chalk.



Thursday, August 19, 2010


people living up to their expectations
or rather living down to them
can be peaceful.
knowing that they will
not necessarily be a disappointment
not being in a place where you expect them to not be a disappointment,
not hoping they won't be
i realize this is not articulate
at all
im too lazy to make something decent out of my thoughts
so enjoy this stream of consciousness in it's absolute purest form.

i've been ogling this for a few days.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


i'm actually fine
without wings

i can enjoy the landscape this way.



she looks like the real thing
she tastes like the real thing
my fake plastic love
but I can't help the feeling
i could blow through the ceiling
if I just turn and run

it wears her out, it wears her out

~fake plastic trees by radiohead

oh hai.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


the floor was a magnet.
my eyes strained but
the rational part of me focused on
her figure shadowed by the door.
she asked me what was wrong
or maybe she was telling me it would be okay.

in truth, i did not really believe her
rather, i believed myself when i thought
"it'll be okay"

the feeling was similar
yet still very different
i was not altogether prepared for it
but i guess we never are.

i closed my eyes
and eventually it stopped.

thank god.

edit: it has been confirmed that this was not a dream. i hadn't been sure, but it was real.



for hanz pt. II.

the build up to about 3:00 is worth it, and it just gives a music-ful overload from there on.

this song always makes me
and always makes me dance

it reminds me of the san francisco drum circle
where i should have danced
we couldn't tear our eyes away from her
and we couldn't pull our hearts away from the pulse of the drums.

but i didn't.

so now i will always dance.


this song makes me cheesy and lovey and rave-y

love yourself
love lovely people
dance (which i am doing between bouts of typing right now)

but mostly
don't waste time doing things you hate.

'cause sometimes i guess you have to do things you don't like. thats unavoidable.

let this song seep into your skin
and maybe we can all understand, if even for a few minutes.

for hanzel.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


was there a man,
was there ever a man on this earth
who could say he was happy,
who knew happiness, true happiness,
not an image, a dream,
an illusion, a vision, which could disappear?
your example...
your example, your fate, your disaster,
show us that none of us mortals
ever knew, ever felt what happiness truly is.

~Sophocles' Oedipus Rex/ Oedpius Tyrannus

fah q.

my heart is not normal

i dont know what i want

nothing feels right.

which i think makes my heart completely normal.

i am fated to pretend

"these moments - as beautiful as they are...they're evil once they're gone."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

no regrets!

Ice-age heat wave, can't complain.
If the world's at large, why should I remain?
Walked away to another plan.
Gonna find another place, maybe one I can stand.
I move on to another day,
to a whole new town with a whole new way.
Went to the porch to have a thought.
Got to the door and again, I couldn't stop.
You don't know where and you don't know when.
But you still got your words and you got your friends.
Walk along to another day.
Work a little harder, work another way.

Well uh-uh baby I ain't got no plan.
We'll float on maybe would you understand?
Gonna float on maybe would you understand?
Well float on maybe would you understand?

The days get shorter and the nights get cold.
I like the autumn but this place is getting old.
I pack up my belongings and I head for the coast.
It might not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most.
The days get longer and the nights smell green.
I guess it's not surprising but it's spring and I should leave.

I like songs about drifters - books about the same.
They both seem to make me feel a little less insane.
Walked on off to another spot.
I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want.
Did I want love? Did I need to know?
Why does it always feel like I'm caught in an undertow?

The moths beat themselves to death against the lights.
Adding their breeze to the summer nights.
Outside, water like air was great.
I didn't know what I had that day.
Walk a little farther to another plan.
You said that you did, but you didn't understand.

I know that starting over is not what life's about.
But my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.
My thoughts were so loud.

~the world at large by modest mouse

i ain't got no plan
we'll float on maybe would you understand?


i like driving long distances cause it makes me feel like i'm going somewhere

for the past month i have not been myself
i have had no personality
an empty shell

i hadn't realized i had lost myself.

or maybe i thought it didn't matter?

it's ironic
because i think the opposite was supposed to happen
(when that happened)

i feel like i am finally myself again
been a little reckless
more outgoing
but not ballet
a little bitter
some people are assholes
sometimes it's beautiful to have something
happen to you
because it can remind your heart
who you are.

("I have my fits but feeling is good")

the endless summer has returned
and it feels




Friday, August 13, 2010


i kept putting it farther back
when i easily could have replaced it with
the one that was closer
in theory would have made things easier
on me
i still didn't do it.
some things never change?
some things we never make change.

my eyes went out of focus
i let them.


i was confused by this line at first.

"Happiness hit her like a bullet in the head
Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that"

but now i think i understand.


"you forgot about the things that he could say like
i dont think that I like you anymore
well I found new feelings at the feeling store
and I cant find you at our kissing place
and im scared of those new pair of eyes you have"

~banshee beat by animal collective

Thursday, August 12, 2010

well i found new feelings at the feeling store

i am your butterfly, be my protector be my protector

im finding inspiration in the
uninspiring things
'beauty in the breakdown'
i've learned a lot about indifference
at first it is quite possibly the worst feeling
to have directed towards you
but then you kind of become indifferent to indifference
and a weird sort of calm
a crazed calm
sets in
strangely more focused
and feeling like there is nothing to lose
but maybe some things to gain

and then you slowly feel your heart
passion is still on hiatus

its still something.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

yeah, you fucking should have.

"okay if i say somethin now?"

go ahead..."

"i shoulda danced with ya..."

"...good night...
...good night."

~as good as it gets

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


"whatever tragedies we experience, it only takes us 30 seconds to summarize them once they're over."

~danielle fletcher

happiness hit her like a train on the track

run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
leave all your love and your longing behind
you cant carry it with you if you want to survive

Monday, August 9, 2010

call sign: swan

how did we get from there to here
i wonder where we are in the possible worlds

"swans sing songs all night long,
who knew how warm the islands would be?
and who knew just how much the
sky covers me?
makes you forget what it means to be free..."

okay eternity

why the fuck are you so hot


But I won't follow you
Into the rabbit hole
Last night I woke
But then I saw
The ship of woes
But didn't want me to

"i'm having a moment, don't mess with me"

Thursday, August 5, 2010


with my lightning bolts aglowin' i can see where i am going to be

i said my life was missing a plush horse purse

i guess this means my life is complete.

edit: life is complete now that my cartilage is pierced.

(until my next piercing, that is.)
“It is true: we love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving."

–nietzsche, thus spoke zarathustra
where you gonna be?
where will you spend eternity?
i'm gonna be perfect from now on
i'm gonna be perfect starting now...

randy described eternity~ built to spill

apparently im eight years late

but better late than never, right?

Monday, August 2, 2010

" ' I know this much, is all,' Franny said. 'If you're a poet, you do something beautiful. I mean you're supposed to leave something beautiful after you get off the page and everything. The ones you're talking about don't leave a single, solitary thing beautiful. All that maybe the slightly better ones do is sort of get inside your head and leave something there, but just because they do, just because they know how to leave something, it doesn't have to be a poem, for heaven's sake. It may just be some kind of terribly fascinating, syntaxy droppings - excuse the expression. Like Manlius and Esposito and all those poor men.' "

~ Franny, Franny and Zooey by Salinger

Sunday, August 1, 2010

my friends are beautiful

~minion mina courtesy of ninja gianna

syvlie guillem is not real life

except she is.
and when it was over
i could not decide if i wanted
to laugh
or just plain throw up.
i used one of my two preferred sedatives
and flowed on.

everything is clogged
and your insides burst out
through your tongue
i lose all sense
of sense
and can only stand

and realize

i drink too much
and write too little.
i think too much
and act too little.
i care too much
and care too little.
i scoff at aristotle's empty promise

and besides,

maybe the point is not happiness
but passion.
"look out the world's destroying ya. relax, it isn't fair."

~liar by built to spill