Tuesday, August 17, 2010

for hanz pt. II.

the build up to about 3:00 is worth it, and it just gives a music-ful overload from there on.

this song always makes me
and always makes me dance

it reminds me of the san francisco drum circle
where i should have danced
we couldn't tear our eyes away from her
and we couldn't pull our hearts away from the pulse of the drums.

but i didn't.

so now i will always dance.


this song makes me cheesy and lovey and rave-y

love yourself
love lovely people
dance (which i am doing between bouts of typing right now)

but mostly
don't waste time doing things you hate.

'cause sometimes i guess you have to do things you don't like. thats unavoidable.

let this song seep into your skin
and maybe we can all understand, if even for a few minutes.